Pressing Tofu:
Pressing tofu is the best way to avoid that soggy/ew gross texture.
Here's how you do it.
a cookie sheet with raised edges OR a shallow bowl
a package of tofu in some sort of firm variety
a cutting board OR another cookie sheet
something weighing 2-5 lbs
First, make a slit in the top of the tofu package and drain out the water.
I like to cut my tofu before pressing it. After taking it out of the package, I cut it once across the width.
Then, I flip it on it's side and slice it down the middle.
This results in four equal blocks that I lay across my cookie sheet.
I then place my cutting board on top of these blocks and plop on my old OnCooking third edition textbook.
I've also been known to make highly unstable stacks of pots and pans as weights.
Use whatever you'd like as a weight but don't make it too heavy or you'll squish the guts out of your meal!